Tag: Privacy

  • Dealing with tabloid journalists

    Dealing with tabloid journalists

    The hallmark of sensationalist tabloid reporting is generating fear and outrage, invariably in defence of deeply partisan, reactionary politics. Campaigners who use direct action and civil disobedience tactics are often seen as a target for this kind of “journalism”. In particular, reporters have turned up at meetings or attended online discussions looking for gossip and…

  • Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) when online

    Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) when online

    A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a way to encrypt your online data and increase your anonymity on the internet, by routing your internet traffic through remote servers around the world to mask your IP address (your device’s digital signature). This involves an app on your mobile phone or a program on a desktop that…

  • Blurring faces in videos

    Blurring faces in videos

    Video shared online is a significant source of intelligence for the police and so – if you consider the risk warrants protecting someone’s identity – you may want to blur faces in a video clip before sharing it on social media. There are a number of tools that offer this. These resources come and go,…

  • Advice on Livestreaming

    Advice on Livestreaming

    When live-streaming protests, there is a danger of crossing the line from your sense of undertaking “citizen journalism” to becoming essentially a CCTV cameras – a camera that unlike the ones used by the state, quite often comes with a “director’s commentary”. To avoid inadvertently incriminating demonstrators and livestream carefully and safely, consider the following:…

  • How to set up your phone before a protest

    How to set up your phone before a protest

    The best way to make sure your smartphone is secure at a protest is to leave it at home. But many people find it difficult to leave their phone at home – so what can you do to make your phone more secure when going on a protest? If you want to learn more about…