Advice on Livestreaming

When live-streaming protests, there is a danger of crossing the line from your sense of undertaking “citizen journalism” to becoming essentially a CCTV cameras – a camera that unlike the ones used by the state, quite often comes with a “director’s commentary”.

To avoid inadvertently incriminating demonstrators and livestream carefully and safely, consider the following:

  • Avoid giving a running commentary, including people’s names.
  • Avoid identifying people if you film them as they are arrested
  • Avoid identifying individuals as “organisers” and make them an increased target for arrest.
  • Avoid livestreaming arrests- keep footage to hand to a lawyer later (speak to legal observers if you have filmed an arrest).

The following video (duration: 13m 07s) includes audio from a Zoom workshop given by Netpol to live-streamers in April 2023.


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